Target Crops
Flowers, Beans & Carrots.
Powdery mildew fungi clog up leaf pores and block light to photosynthetic cells, so the plants are weakened in their ability to use light as an energy source. New growth stops, old leaves fall off, and the plants struggle to stay alive.
Target Crops
Potatoes & Tomatoes.
Tomatoes can tolerate losing some of their low leaves to early blight, but if persistent rain causes the disease to move more than halfway up the plants, they may be doomed. Most of the time early blight weakens plants but does not kill them.
Make use of trellises and supports that will keep the vines off the ground.
Avoid watering from above: Using soaker hoses or drip irrigation keep foliage dry, which makes it more difficult for early blight and other diseases to spread. Avoid overhead watering techniques (sprinklers).
Target Crops
Potatoes & Tomatoes.
Tomato or potato plants that have lost their leaves to late blight are poor producers. When tomato plants survive and go on to produce fruits, the fruits often have leathery patches that do not ripen properly. If not dug up early, blight spreads to potato tubers causing red-brown decay which will eventually rot and prevent them storing well.
Avoid watering from above: Using soaker hoses or drip irrigation keep foliage dry, which makes it more difficult for late blight and other diseases to spread. Avoid overhead watering techniques (sprinklers).
Target Crops
Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale & Cauliflower
Leaf spot can weaken plants, but it will not kill them. However, when already infected plants receive more than twelve hours of constant warm rain, spores can be distributed so extensively that the plants cannot recover.
Make sure plants get good air circulation and plenty of sun, and keep weeds controlled to promote prompt drying after rains. Use mulch to keep soil from splashing onto plants in heavy rains. Avoid using sprinklers or other overhead irrigation methods after cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower heads have formed.
Target Crops
Beans, Potatoes, Vegetables & Flowers.
When you pull up an infected bean plant, it will have a skimpy root system with most small roots missing. A dark area of decay may be present on the main stem near the soil line.
Target Crops
Spinach leaves with black patches and mold are not appealing to eat. Sometimes the inner leaves of infected plants escape damage.
Target Crops
Tomato Spotted Wilt strikes much more suddenly and forcefully than other plant viruses. Infected plants rarely recover.
Target Crops
Watermelons, Cucumbers & Mangoes.
Badly affected leaves turn brown and drop off. If wet weather persists, melon and cucumber fruits develop soft dark spots that become sunken rot spots.
Target Crops
Spots on the leaves are at first small with white centres, but expand rapidly into oval, brown to purple blotches. If the blotches grow around the leaves, or merge, the parts above the blotch wilt, collapse and die.
Target Crops
Tomatoes, Peppers, Carrots & Vegetable crops.
Plants grow slowly, in erratic spurts, and are generally dwarfed in size. When you dig up a troubled tomato or pepper plant, numerous swellings and galls are evident on the roots. Because root knot nematodes don’t move far in the soil without human help, neighboring plants may be infected while those at the end of the row remain healthy.
Target Crops
All types of Beans.
Badly affected leaves turn brown and drop off. Sometimes pods develop patches of rust, too. Plants that lose leaves to rust are weakened and will not produce as well as healthy plants.
Target Crops
Badly affected leaves turn brown early and drop off. Plants that lose leaves to rust are weakened and will not produce as well as healthy plants.
Avoid planting maize near trees, fences, or low pockets where dew is always heavy, and grow corn at proper spacing to make sure sunlight reaches all the leaves.
Target Crops
Infected plants are often distorted in appearance. The early signs of an attack are whitish galls that later rupture to release dark spores capable of infecting other corn plants.
Target Crops
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Lettuce,
Beans & Peas.
The fungi invade the plant's circulatory system, causing it to rot from within. As the disease progresses, plants flop over and die. Infected plants are cannot be consumed.
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